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Assistive Robot for people with physical disabilities

Given the shift of the demographic change it is intended to examine whether mobile service robots can help people with physical disabilities. The core exciting questions in this regard are:
  • What sort of assistance do the physically disabled people need?
  • To what extent can service robots available in the medium-term give this help cost-efficiently (that is economically viable and acceptable from side of the user)?
  • What is the structure of such a robot?
  • How should human and robot interact? (Human-Robot-Interface)
  • To what extent will such machines be accepted by potential users eventually to replace or supplement human assistance?
  • Are there more suitable tools?

These questions shall be examined with a prototypical service robot in the real surroundings of the physically disabled people. Both university partners possess the necessary scientific and interdisciplinary competencies of the service robotics and nursing-care services. As a great social facility, “Die Zieglerschen” provide their establishments, staff and access to the physically disabled people.

AsRoBe in the annual report 2014 of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation

Source: http://www.bwstiftung.de/die-stiftung/jahresbericht-2014/

A report about the project – RegioTV (June 20, 2013)

The German magazine “Medizin und Technik” has published an article about Assistive Robotics with commentaries by Prof. Dr. Ertel with reference to AsRoBe. (November 2013)

Three working groups are involved in the project:

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ertel (Projektsprecher)
Institue for Artificial Intelligence (IKI)
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University Ravensburg-Weingarten

Prof. Dr. Maik H.-J. Winter
Faculty of Social Work, Health Care and Nursing Sciences
University Ravensburg-Weingarten

Prof. Dr. Harald Rau
Die Zieglerschen e.V.
Willhelmsdorfer Werke evangelischer Diakonie